In this 17-minute interview, I answer the questions that people usually ask about why oaths are important and why vacating Wiener from office is a viable avenue to void the bad legislative work that Wiener has pushed through.
In this 4.5 minute clip, I give clear instructions on who to call at the State Senate and what to say to them in order to pressure the State Senate into complying with the laws.
Here are links to the various things we talked about in the videos:
Someone asked me why I am working so hard to get Scott Wiener vacated from office, his legislation voided, and his votes voided.
I could write a novel about all the horrible legislation he’s pushed and all the good legislation that he’s gutted. But most people won’t read a wall of text. Here is a succinct meme that Wiener’s opponent in the 2024 election made:
The issues addressed in the meme are only the top of the iceberg.
In this 45-minute audio-only podcast, we talked about a wide variety of topics, including removing Wiener from office, the fact that I’ve caught five more legislators working unlawfully without oaths, several concerning laws that have passed in recent years, and about “learned helpless syndrome” that most Americans seem to be suffering from.
Here are links to the various things we talked about:
State Senators Steven Bradford, John Laird, Nancy Skinner and Susan Talamantes Eggman, as well as Assemblyman Joaquin Arambula, are also working unlawfully without a current oath on file with the Secretary of State (SOS). Each of their individual oaths is on my oaths page; scroll all the way down to nearly the bottom to find their names.
The SOS also confirmed that Scott Wiener still hasn’t filed an oath. At this point, there is no denying this is intentional criminal malfeasance. Please sign my petition to have him vacated from office and his legislation voided.
Signing the petition is important so that we have a ledger of who does not consent to the crime of legislators working unlawfully. Calling has even more power, so please also call daily (phone numbers at the bottom of the post).
The Certificate of Default
On September 26, 2024, a Certificate of Default (pages 1 – 18 and pages 19 – 35), which is step 3 in the Common Law legal process, was served to four people: Secretary of State Erika Contreras, Deputy Secretary of State John Nam, Human Resources Executive Sheila Braverman and Human Resources Executive Lynn Cervinka for conspiring to allow 20 + people to work unlawfully without oaths and bonds. The summary is:
Pages 1 – 3: Relevant precedent legal rulings and Maxims of Law.
Uncensored Beat had me on to talk about my campaign to have people call the State Senate daily to demand that the State Senate comply with state and federal laws. Since Wiener has been working unlawfully since 2019, they are required to immediately vacate Scott Wiener from office, void all his votes, and void all the legislation he authored, co-authored and sponsored.
Here are links to the various topics we discussed:
In this 30-minute audio-only interview, we talked primarily about the public pressure campaign that I have launched to force the State Senate to comply with federal and state laws.
In this podcast, we talked about the next step that I’ve taken in the legal process: I’ve served the State Senate a Writ of Quo Warranto forcing Scott Wiener and the others working unlawfully without an oath to vacate their jobs, to void Weiner’s legislation (since he had no legal standing to make legislation) and to prosecute Wiener (working without an oath is a felony punishable with three years in prison). I also mentioned that the State of CA stopped issuing surety bonds when Reagan was governor, making the entire CA government illegitimate since then. Now I am asking people to call and demand that the State Senate comply with the laws.
Jacques and I also touched on corruption at the Franchise Tax Board (the bona-fide criminal schemes to overcharge taxpayers and the FTB executives working unlawfully without oaths). We talked a little bit about the resurrection of Constitutional Law (AKA Common Law or Law of the Land). And I shared my personal experience with a policy created by Kamala Harris when she was a prosecutor.
I hope you find it informative and worth your time to listen.
Note: I am not suicidal, I don’t have depression issues, I am a careful driver, I rarely drink alcohol, and I do not use drugs of any kind (not even aspirin). My family lives a wholesome life. If something happens to me or my family that is out of character for us, we were set up by the State of California as revenge for exposing their crimes.
— Step 1 in the constitutional law (AKA Common Law or Law of the Land) legal process is to notify someone of a legal violation and to ask them to comply with the laws.
On July 12, 2024, I served the State Senate Committee and State Senate Human Resources a Notice of Legal Violations — Opportunity to Cure. In it, I informed the State Senate that Senator Scott Wiener and nineteen staffers were working unlawfully without current, properly executed oaths and without surety bonds, which are both required by law. Three more state senators had oaths, but not bonds. The people served had until July 26th to procure oaths and bonds for the people named and for themselves.
— Step 2 in the constitutional law legal process is that if they continue to break the laws, send an order that they stop breaking the laws. In this case, it means that all the people working unlawfully need to vacate their offices.
On August 9, 2024, the State Senate Committee and State Senate Human Resources were served with a legal document called Writ of Quo Warranto. Here are the highlights:
We discuss my efforts to hold the California government accountable to “we the people.” The summary is that it is up to each one of us to contact government agents to demand accountability — the only solution right now is enough public pressure to force the government’s hand.
Links to the various things we discussed in the podcast:
In the notice, I listed the relevant state and federal laws regarding the administration/filing of oaths and bonds. Since the State Senate had redacted most of the oaths so there was no way to know if they were signed/witnessed, I also listed the laws that assert that we the people have a right to see unredacted oaths and bonds to ensure that our employees are working lawfully.
I documented that twenty (20) people are working for the State Senate Committee who do not have bonds or oaths that comply with the laws, including State Senator for the San Francisco Bay Area Scott Wiener. I documented another three (3) people who have proper oaths, but do not have bonds: State Senator Kelly Seyarto, State Senator Anna Caballero, and State Senator Maria Elena Durazo.