Seventh ORIM Claim Filed Against FTB Executives for Not Having Executed Oaths. Claim Also Filed with California Auditor’s Office

Quick background: Every government employee is required to take an Oath and to have an insurance policy or bond. ORIM is the insurance agency for State of California employees. For those of you who are looking to file your own claims, here is info on how to do so. Before you order an oath, check to see if I already have it posted. If you would like some models to follow, here is the firstsecondthirdfourthfifth and sixth claims that I’ve filed. .

This is my seventh Claim to ORIM, which was filed on September 23, 2023.

I also filed the claim with the California Auditor’s Office. I’ve sent a lot of claims to the California Auditor’s Office over the years re: FTB’s accounting fraud schemes, but I’ve mostly given up on the Auditor because it appears they didn’t do anything to stop the schemes.

However, I’d tried to turn these executives in to CALPers for pension fraud (since they were working fraudulently, that means their pensions need to be voided), and CALPers told me that the Auditor’s office was the proper jurisdiction for pension fraud investigations. Hence the claim with the Auditor.

ORIM Claim

ORIM Exhibit List 
Exhibit #TitlePages
1Brunett, Jozel 4
2Emran, Hasib6
3Fowler, Jennifer 3
4Gardner, William 5
5Goff, Angelia 3
6Haase, Dennis 4
7Hilson, William5
8Hofeling, Shane 4
9Maples, Susan 5
10McElhatton, Laurie 5
11Scott, Craig 5

On September 27, 2023, I notified FTB that these executives did not have oaths, thus giving FTB the opportunity to correct these violations.

At the 2023 Annual Taxpayer Bill of Rights Meeting, I addressed the fact that all legal decisions made by the above executives must be voided as they had no legal standing. FTB’s response is due on February 1, 2024, so we’ll see…

FTB got a new Board Member on January 1, 2024 named Sally Lieber. To make sure that Ms. Lieber was up to date on the FTB drama, I forwarded the September 27 email to her legal counsel, John Thiella, on January 4 and directly to Ms. Lieber on January 5.

Note: I am not suicidal, I don’t have depression issues, I am a careful driver, I rarely drink alcohol, and I do not use drugs of any kind (not even aspirin). My family lives a wholesome life. If something happens to me or my family that is out of character for us, we were set up by the State of California as revenge for exposing their crimes.