Per the presentation, EDR2 is being rolled out one department at a time. One of the first departments to switch over to it was Collections. Here is a screenshot from the presentation in which they said that the new EDR2 software being utilized by the the Collections department “…will result in increased revenue…”
In the public comment time, I reminded FTB that I had documented in the Grab v. FTB court case that Collections agents Alexis Bear and Carrey Burton-Beilby had each directed me to send more money than the bill stated was due, then manually altered FTB records to make it appear that was always the amount due. In the court documents, I showed exactly how FTB “cooked the books.” Then I asked if the new EDR2 software allowed this manual inflation of balances due.
TLDR: In most counties, now is the time to apply to the civil grand jury. Serving on the civil grand jury is an amazingly powerful way to root out government corruption. Even if you can’t serve, you can contact the people who are on the civil grand jury and ask them to utilize their power to root out corruption.
The civil grand jury segment is from 14:30 – 32:00 of this video. From 4:45 – 14:30, I give an update on the oath situation: From 32:00 – 40:30, I talk about FTB’s $20 million scheme to hunt down low income people: From 37:00 – 41:00 we talk about CA’s opaque and questionable spending habits.
A colleague of mine, Richard Michael of Big Bad Bonds, has come up with a brilliant strategy for “we the people” to take back our constitutional power: restoring the power of civil grand juries.
Each county in California is required, at least once a year, to impanel at least one grand jury. Grand juries, historically, have jurisdiction over criminal matters. In California, however, the Legislature has mandated that the county grand juries must provide oversight over specific civil matters in the county (and cities/unincorporated areas within the counties), as well.
As Richard explained to me, the civil grand jury is incredibly powerful as they have the power to investigate corruption at county/city government agencies. However, the courts and district attorneys have figured out how to control and neutralize this power. Richard is encouraging us to take the power back.
This was originally posted on January 4, 2025 and has been updated a few times. The most recent update was on March 27, 2025, where I uploaded all of the documents that I have yet to review. I’m hoping someone will beat me to it! On March 12, 2025 I also updated this post with more info on Golden State Opportunity Foundation.
In 2022, as part of the SENATE BILL 154 – BUDGET ACT OF 2022, the legislature ordered FTB to spend $20,000,000 of FTB’s budget “for outreach to create increased awareness of, and participation in, the Earned Income Tax Credit and the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program. These funds shall be allocated via contracts to nonprofit and community-based organizations. The participating nonprofit and community-based organizations shall particularly focus their outreach effortson persons who file tax returns using Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITIN) (page 9).”
The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) is a tax credit that can be taken as a cash refund if the credit is more than the person’s tax liability. People who make less than $12,000 per year are not required to file a tax return; the EITC is a carrot to essentially pay them to file a return. ITINs are California’s equivalent to social security numbers that are issued to illegal immigrants (California is a sanctuary state).
March 28 Update: Assemblyman Muratsuchi ordered the SOS to resolve this. The SOS called me promised that next week they will send me any oaths which were filed but missing from the February package. Also, Assemblyman Chris Ward provided his oath for 2025 – 2026, but no one else has as of yet. I have been following up via phone and emails.
Update on March 17, 2025: On March 10, I emailed everyone at the State Senate that I’d requested oaths on (from the Senate Rules Committee) and said they needed to send me their oaths by the end of the day or I’d notify Federal Attorney General Pam Bondi. None of them sent their oaths.Between March 11 and 17, I sent this tweets to the legislators: “The SOS does not have an oath on file for you for the 2025 – 2026 session. Please post your oath on X to prove you are lawfully employed.” and copied Pam Bondi. Still no response as of yet. I also sent a message to Bondi via the DOJ website.
Quick summary: I requested oaths on 100 people. It could be a mistake, but it looks like not one Assemblyman, State Senator or staffer filed oaths for the 2025 – 2026 legislative cycle. Lt. Governor Kounalakis also doesn’t have a current oath. I am asking you all for help to confirm whether or not oaths were filed.
For those that prefer video: here is an interview I did this morning. My segment starts at the 9-minute mark and goes to the 38:00 minute mark.
On January 31, 2025, I requested copies of oaths and bonds from the Secretary of State for 100 people, for many elected officials and deep state staff, including Scott Wiener: page 1, page 2 and page 3.
The SOS only takes payments via paper checks. I mailed a check right away, but it took a while to clear my bank. The SOS sent the response package via snail mail. The cover letter is dated February 10, but the package wasn’t mailed until February 19. I received it on Tuesday, March 4. Images of the cover letter are at the bottom of this post.
Interestingly enough, Scott Wiener and several others filed old oaths that were already expired. This indicates to me they are trying to cover their butts. However, the law clearly states that the oaths are to be filed within 30-days of taking office — to file an oath after it has already expired doesn’t change the fact that they were working unlawfully during that term.
Shockingly, it appears that of the 100 people that I requested oaths for, not a single oath has been filed for the 2025 – 2026 legislative term by State Senators, Assemblyman or their staffers. This could be an error. I sent an email to the SOS asking for confirmation that there are no current oaths filed. The SOS said it was possible there was a gap between the filing date and the SOS recording date. However, it is hard for me to believe that in the 4.5 weeks that had lapsed between the filing deadline and the SOS response, that all of them fell into that gap.
Lt. Governor Eleni Kounalakis also does not have a current oath on file. Since her oath was supposed to have to been filed in January 2022, she definitely did not fall into the gap. Prima fascia evidence indicates that the failure to file for this session is not an error:
One New Earth interviewed me about FTB’s corruption. We also talked about the devolution of the mortgage industry that I witnessed from 1996 – 2007, how I holistically cured a rare kidney disease that I developed after the birth of my child, and, of course, my efforts to have Scott Wiener’s legislative work voided.
Here are links to more information on some of the topics we talked about in this episode:
1:30 – 6:00 Recap of my government corruption fight – how I went from fighting against the California Franchise Tax Board to end schemes to overcharge taxpayers to fighting against the State Senate to have Scott Wiener vacated from office for working unlawfully without an oath.
Uncensored Beat had me back at the end of November to give an update on the petition to void unlawfully implemented legislation. We also talked about how the word “equity” is deceptively utilized to justify taking away opportunities from most and making society less safe for all. In addition to how Wiener uses “equity” in his legislative work, we talked about how the CA Department of Education tried to use “equity” to limit kids access to algebra classes and remove calculus altogether (the parents pushed bak and stopped it from happening).
Here is the full update so far, as of the end of December:
— Before I served the petition, I discovered more State Senators working unlawfully without oaths: (scroll all the way down to almost the bottom of the oaths page):
The speech was limited to 5 minutes, so it was short and succinct. This is the text of the speech. The written submission is long and detailed, and includes links to proof of the allegations made.
On page 2 of the letter, Ms. Contreras asked me to stop contacting anyone but her about the oath matters.
Normally, the State Senate ignores me. If they do respond, it takes them weeks or even months. The quick response indicates that the State Senate is panicking over this petition. The fact that she specifically asked me to stop contacting other people indicates that the calls you all are making are working!!!!
Please continue to share the petition and continue calling the State Senate daily. The increasing numbers of calls and signatures will scare them into complying with state and federal laws.
On October 31, 2024 at 8:48 am, I responded to the letter. I opened my letter with: