On October 29, 2024, the petition to vacate Wiener from office was served via email at 11:50 am.
On October 30, 2024, at 5:46 pm, the State Senate Rules committee responded. In their response, they included a copy of an oath of office for Scott Wiener that expired in 2022 which was never filed with the Secretary of State (per CA Gov. Code Section 1363 (a) and (a)(1), an oath of office that isn’t filed isn’t valid). They also included a copy of the Senate Daily Journal for December 7, 2020.
On page 2 of the letter, Ms. Contreras asked me to stop contacting anyone but her about the oath matters.
Normally, the State Senate ignores me. If they do respond, it takes them weeks or even months. The quick response indicates that the State Senate is panicking over this petition. The fact that she specifically asked me to stop contacting other people indicates that the calls you all are making are working!!!!
Please continue to share the petition and continue calling the State Senate daily. The increasing numbers of calls and signatures will scare them into complying with state and federal laws.
On October 31, 2024 at 8:48 am, I responded to the letter. I opened my letter with:
Thank you for the email dated October 30, 2024, in which you confirmed that Mr. Wiener is indeed working unlawfully with an expired oath. Per state and federal laws, Mr. Wiener must be vacated from office TODAY and all of his legislative work done since 2019 voided (the last oath Mr. Wiener filed with the SOS expired at the end of 2018).
It is unconscionable that, instead of following the laws and vacating Wiener from office, the State Senate has instead attempted to commit fraud to cover up the fact that Mr. Wiener is working unlawfully without a current oath of office. As documented below, the State Senate has committed fraud by: 1. Providing expired documents and claiming they are current, 2. Claiming the oath was valid when it had never been filed with the SOS and thus was never valid 3. Claiming that I’d only made two LORA requests for Scott Wiener’s current oath.
- I went on to provide details substantiating the accusations of fraud.
- I pointed out the multiple times that the State Senate has violated the LORA laws (the CA legislator’s version of FOIA).
- I pointed out that the State Senate has many staff that are working unlawfully without current oaths and that the State Senate has conspired to consistently commit the felony of working without a current oath as part of their standard operating procedure.
- I told her I wouldn’t stop calling other offices because she wasn’t doing her job, so it was necessary to go around her.
- I accused her of malfeasance for asking me to hide from Senate Staff that they may be in potential legal jeopardy because of Ms. Contreras failure to properly do her job.
- I also accused the State Senate of falsifying that oath that expired in 2022.
- I reminded her that “we the people” can — and will — take the power away from the State Senate if the State Senate continues to abuse its power.
- I closed by letting her know that the number of signatures on the petition grew from 264 to 336 in less that 48 hours, and that “we the people” expected the State Senate to vacate Wiener, void his legislative work, and prosecute him.
- As a PS, I reminded the State Senate that State Senators Steven Bradford, John Laird, Nancy Skinner and Susan Talamantes Eggman are also working without oaths and that their legislative work needs to be voided, too. Each of their individual oaths is on my oaths page; the State Senate section is all the way down to nearly the bottom, so scroll way down to find their names).
In the letter, I referenced a couple of documents: Toni Atkins chain of oaths and the Certificate of Default.
This is a 4.5-minute instructional video on what to say when you call. Here are the numbers:
Wiener’s office in San Francisco: (415) 557-1300
Wiener’s office in Sacramento: (916) 651-4011
State Senate Committee: (916) 651-4120 (Erika Contreras was the one served)
State Senate Operations: (916) 651-1504 (John Nam was the one served)
State Senate HR: 916-651-1557 (Lynne Cervinka and Sheila Braverman were both served)
Senate President Pro Tempore Senator Mike McGuire: (916) 651-4002
Lt. Governor Kounalakis: (916) 445-8994
Let’s get Wiener vacated!!!!
Note: I am not suicidal, I don’t have depression issues, I am a careful driver, I rarely drink alcohol, and I do not use drugs of any kind (not even aspirin). My family lives a wholesome life. If something happens to me or my family that is out of character for us, we were set up by the State of California as revenge for exposing their crimes.
Great work, Christi and the hundreds of brave Californians for bringing this matter to the forefront.