I Was Featured on the Restore Rebuild Podcast with Jacques Israel!

We discuss my efforts to hold the California government accountable to “we the people.” The summary is that it is up to each one of us to contact government agents to demand accountability — the only solution right now is enough public pressure to force the government’s hand.

Links to the various things we discussed in the podcast:

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The California State Senate Has Been Served a Notice of Legal Violations for Not Properly Issuing Oaths and Bonds

On Friday, July 12 at 9:03 am, the Secretary and Deputy Secretary of the California State Senate Committee, along with two Human Resources executives, were each served a Notice of Legal Violations — Opportunity to Cure. This action was taken via Common Law, AKA Constitutional Law, not via statutory law.

In the notice, I listed the relevant state and federal laws regarding the administration/filing of oaths and bonds. Since the State Senate had redacted most of the oaths so there was no way to know if they were signed/witnessed, I also listed the laws that assert that we the people have a right to see unredacted oaths and bonds to ensure that our employees are working lawfully.

I documented that twenty (20) people are working for the State Senate Committee who do not have bonds or oaths that comply with the laws, including State Senator for the San Francisco Bay Area Scott Wiener. I documented another three (3) people who have proper oaths, but do not have bonds: State Senator Kelly Seyarto, State Senator Anna Caballero, and State Senator Maria Elena Durazo.

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FTB June 2024 Board Meeting: Spending Our Tax Dollars to Stalk Us, Remove Kids from Homes and Pay Illegals; Probably Still Improperly Imposing Penalties

I wanted to bring three items of concern regarding how the State of California spends our tax dollars. At the Franchise Tax Board’s June 24, 2024 Board Meeting, they discussed:

I. Items 5B and 6: Cal EITC Credit as a stalking tool

I have posted before about California’s obsession with getting people to file tax returns, even when they do not make enough money to be required to file tax returns. One of the ways that FTB tries to get people to file is by offering “carrots.” 

Their biggest carrot is called Cal EITC and it is basically money back. People can get money back from the state even if they didn’t pay any income taxes in the first place. The State of California has a budget of $1.1 billion for this incentive. 

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