FTB’s 2024 Annual Taxpayer Bill of Rights (ATBOR) Meeting

The speech was limited to 5 minutes, so it was short and succinct. This is the text of the speech. The written submission is long and detailed, and includes links to proof of the allegations made.

This year, I’ve also made three legislative change requests: 1 treat married couples as a single tax entity. This has more details on exactly how the married couple embezzlement/racketeering scheme works that I’d referred to in the speech. 2. Repeal 1917C2 as it violates our right to protest. 3: Remove the loophole that lets FTB evade our right to due process.

Summary: This year, I made 7 ATBOR requests:

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Another Authority to Report Government Corruption/Summary of My Work

I’ve posted many times about filing reports of government corruption to various authorities. Basically, whenever I see a claim that a particular branch of government handles such matters, I file a complaint with that agency.

The People’s Operation Restoration recently posted this to their Telegram Channel:

🔥 EMAIL TO REPORT: saf.ighotline@us.af.mil

Here is the military email address to report EVERYONE involved in the covid scam….  report doctors, nurses, admins, judges, magistrates, media, medical admins and all others involved in forcing you to wear a mask, get tested or get a jab.

Anyone hurting anyone! Human trafficking, child trafficking, child exploitation child abuse child sexual abuse!

Chemtrails, chemicals anywhere being sprayed. 

Report any/all! 

They will check it out and decide whether it’s prosecutable! There are no ramifications for tipping them off!

& this is real.

please share this with all others.

So I went ahead and filed a report. I think it is a nice overview of my work over the last six years.

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I Was Featured on the Uncensored Beat Podcast

Uncensored Beat had me on to talk about my campaign to have people call the State Senate daily to demand that the State Senate comply with state and federal laws. Since Wiener has been working unlawfully since 2019, they are required to immediately vacate Scott Wiener from office, void all his votes, and void all the legislation he authored, co-authored and sponsored.

Here are links to the various topics we discussed:

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I Was Featured on the Restore Rebuild Podcast with Jacques Israel!

We discuss my efforts to hold the California government accountable to “we the people.” The summary is that it is up to each one of us to contact government agents to demand accountability — the only solution right now is enough public pressure to force the government’s hand.

Links to the various things we discussed in the podcast:

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Seventh ORIM Claim Filed Against FTB Executives for Not Having Executed Oaths. Claim Also Filed with California Auditor’s Office

Quick background: Every government employee is required to take an Oath and to have an insurance policy or bond. ORIM is the insurance agency for State of California employees. For those of you who are looking to file your own claims, here is info on how to do so. Before you order an oath, check to see if I already have it posted. If you would like some models to follow, here is the firstsecondthirdfourthfifth and sixth claims that I’ve filed. .

This is my seventh Claim to ORIM, which was filed on September 23, 2023.

I also filed the claim with the California Auditor’s Office. I’ve sent a lot of claims to the California Auditor’s Office over the years re: FTB’s accounting fraud schemes, but I’ve mostly given up on the Auditor because it appears they didn’t do anything to stop the schemes.

However, I’d tried to turn these executives in to CALPers for pension fraud (since they were working fraudulently, that means their pensions need to be voided), and CALPers told me that the Auditor’s office was the proper jurisdiction for pension fraud investigations. Hence the claim with the Auditor.

ORIM Claim

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California Supreme Court Declined to Take The Accusation

No explanation was given for why the judges refused to take the Accusation where I documented that FTB employee Eric Yadao conspired to cover up his employer’s criminal activities by improperly redacting documents to hide evidence. I am disappointed, but not surprised. It seems to me that if my case was weak, the CA Supreme Court would have taken it in order to clear FTB of all allegations of criminal activity. I believe the fact that the judges chose to pass on my case indicates that I would have won.

In good news, though, I got a letter from the California Auditor’s Office indicating that they have opened an investigation into the Franchise Tax Board. No word back from the FBI as of yet.