Overcharging Interest:
In the Unlawful Schemes post, I claimed that I caught the FTB overcharging interest. As proof, here is the bill they sent me in the mail showing we owed $3,852.02 by 7-15-14, the pay by phone payment that I made on 7-9-14 while talking with FTB rep Carrey who told me that was the correct total was $3854.74, and the FTB’s 2011 accounting ledger which makes it appear that the $3854.74 was the correct amount of money that was always owed. The overcharge was only $2.77, but if they tack on extra interest to everyone they are illegally raking in millions.
In the Unlawful Schemes post, I also stated that on two of their accounting ledgers, the FTB has a strange adjustment that look like attempts to overcharge interest.
In late 2017, I asked the FTB to send me a copy of my 2014 accounting ledger. In the version that they sent me, the line item says “FTB Adjustment: -$8.37.” When I asked the FTB’s representative what that meant, she said “Oh, it doesn’t really affect you.” In the version that the FTB submitted to the OTA court, they redacted the line completely. When I asked the FTB to send unreacted ledgers, their version says “Write Off.” All three versions of the ledger are here.
Continue reading “Proof of Overcharging Interest and Substantiation of Inaccurate Accounting Allegations”