Fighting Corruption at the CA Franchise Tax Board (CA's income tax agency)
Category: CA Taxpayer Bill of Rights
California law offers a slew of protections to taxpayers. FTB seems to systematically violate these rights, and I have repeatedly caught trying to hide that these rights exist.
Here is the military email address to report EVERYONE involved in the covid scam…. report doctors, nurses, admins, judges, magistrates, media, medical admins and all others involved in forcing you to wear a mask, get tested or get a jab.
Anyone hurting anyone! Human trafficking, child trafficking, child exploitation child abuse child sexual abuse!
Chemtrails, chemicals anywhere being sprayed.
Report any/all!
They will check it out and decide whether it’s prosecutable! There are no ramifications for tipping them off!
& this is real.
please share this with all others.
So I went ahead and filed a report. I think it is a nice overview of my work over the last six years.
I. Items 5B and 6: Cal EITC Credit as a stalking tool
I have posted before about California’s obsession with getting people to file tax returns, even when they do not make enough money to be required to file tax returns. One of the ways that FTB tries to get people to file is by offering “carrots.”
Their biggest carrot is called Cal EITC and it is basically money back. People can get money back from the state even if they didn’t pay any income taxes in the first place. The State of California has a budget of $1.1 billion for this incentive.
On December 6, 2023, the Franchise Tax Board had its Annual Taxpayer Bill of Rights Meeting. I’ll link the full video of the meeting and the transcripts when they are published.
Meanwhile, here is a video of the speech that I madeat the meeting:
The full 2+ hour board meeting is here. I speak from 1:42:26 to 1:47:38 (It was a looonnnggg meeting).
Here is the text of my speech. Since the speech was limited to 5-minutes, I had previously submitted more detailed written requests to FTB’s Board Members, Taxpayer Advocate and Executive Staff.
Seven of the twelve items are issues that I have addressed in the past: 1. The Taxpayer Rights Advocate should be addressing constitutional issues. 2. FTB to stop unlawfully imposing wage garnishments, levies and liens. 3. Disclose policies and procedures regarding the application of payments (3 specific items on this topic). 4. Stop unlawfully withholding credit elect payments from married couples. 5. Refer to taxpayers as constituents because we are FTB’s employers, not customers.
There were four new items, too. 1. I addressed the high number of executive staff that do not have oaths or bonds as required by law. 2. I requested that all statutes be reviewed to ensure that FTB’s policies and procedures follow the laws as written, with no words omitted or inserted. 3. I asked what data FTB procures from the low income people not required to file a tax return. 4. I asked why Bill Hilson made so much more money in 2022 than in previous years.
I also requested clarification of an item that I brought up last year: the “no payment” account that appears to be an off-the-books spending account. Last year, I had asked if the funds belonged to FTB or another agency (item #4). FTB had responded that the estimated tax payments are immediately turned over to the State Controller (SCO). I asked for clarification as to whether “no payments” go to the SCO or if they are only turned over once they are identified as an estimated tax payment.
Update: FTB Responded on February 1, 2023. The whole response is riddled with problems. I’ll try to write a rebuttal soon.
Note: I am not suicidal, I don’t have depression issues, I am a careful driver, I rarely drink alcohol, and I do not use drugs of any kind (not even aspirin). My family lives a wholesome life. If something happens to me or my family that is out of character for us, we were set up by the State of California as revenge for exposing their crimes.
Yesterday, Audra Morgan from Eye of the Storm interviewed me for her podcast. We talked about the various channels that I have tried in my fight against government corruption and what has/has not succeeded so far. Check it out! if you want more information on what we discussed, links are below:
Quick background: Every government employee is required to take an Oath and to have an insurance policy or bond. ORIM is the insurance agency for State of California employees. For those of you who are looking to file your own claims, here is info on how to do so. Before you order an oath, check to see if I already have it posted.If you would like some models to follow, here is the first, second, third and fourth claims that I’ve filed.
I have Accused fifteen individuals from four different agencies of violating my rights under California Right R&TC Section 21006(b)(2) and for violating 18 USC §1001 (a)(1) by refusing to disclose FTB’s policies and procedures regarding the issuance of Notice of Proposed Assessment (NPA) forms and processing of Protests to said NPA forms.
For several years now, I have been asking FTB to disclose the laws which justify 1. Not applying all payments made on the NPA form and 2. Denying the Taxpayer Right to Protest on the basis that the NPA does not reflect the full funds collected by FTB. FTB has been continually evasive and continually fails to provide the relevant statutes. It appears to me that NPAs being falsely issued is a lynchpin to the accounting fraud schemes.
Quick background: Every government employee is required to take an Oath and to have an insurance policy or bond. ORIM is the insurance agency for State of California employees. For those of you who are looking to file your own claims, here is info on how to do so. Before you order an oath, check to see if I already have it posted.If you would like some models to follow, here is the first, and second and third claims that I’ve filed.
I was excited about the third ORIM claim that I filed, and I am even more excited about this fourth claim! I have Accused fifteen individuals from four different agencies of violating my rights under California Right R&TC Section 21006(b)(2), for violating 18 USC §1001 (a)(1) by refusing to disclose FTB’s policies and procedures regarding exactly when payments that are supposed to be applied immediately upon receipt are actually applied, and for violating 18 US Code 242 by not allowing me full and free access of information in accordance with my rights, which is a Class A misdemeanor.
I participated in the December 2022 meeting by submitting a set of requests in writing on November 29, 2022 and an oral request of the same items at the meeting held on December 8, 2022. Here is the video of my speech from my perspective:
The full FTB Board meeting is here. My speech is from 14:25 – 19:46.
On January 31, 2023, FTB provided a written response to my request. For Item #4, they stated “FTB will provide you with a supplemental response by February 28, 2023, or sooner.”
For the Motion for Summary Judgement, I had to resubmit the evidence that I had already submitted in a different format. This format is easier to understand and follow. While it was tedious to put together, this format makes the evidence damning. FTB’s assorted schemes and the mechanisms of how the schemes are perpetrated are obvious, so hopefully other people can use the SUFs as a guide to find the fraud in their own records.
Unfortunately, I forgot to attach an exhibit list when I submitted it. The judge threw out all of the evidence because of no exhibit list, and I lost my case because the case didn’t stand without evidence. I asked if I could submit an exhibit list. The judge said no. I asked if I could use FTB’s evidence, as most of my evidence was the same as FTB’s. The judge said no.
Highlights of Key Information in Plaintiff’s Statement of Undisputed Material Facts (SUF)
I found out about a group called Bonds For The Win that is having success fighting government corruption in school districts. A child was harmed by the mask mandate. The mom found out that all government employees are required by federal law to be bonded. If that employee/department does something harmful, the person harmed can file a claim against their bond(s). Usually, if a claim is paid, the bond company will revoke the bond and the employee(s) will be forced to resign. Using the bond claim strategy, this mom was able to get the mask mandate removed from her district. Many other parents followed suit and tried it with their own school boards, and many have also been successful.
Since my husband and I were harmed by two government employees, I decided to give filing a bond claim a try, too.