My Second Motion to Compel: Clarification of FTB Policies and Procedures

*Note: This post is in the middle of being reformatted. Please excuse the odd appearance.

In this Motion to Compel, I prove that FTB committed 8 counts of perjury: three counts by Chelsea Hubbard and five counts by Keith Swank. I also laid out in detail why it appears that obfuscation and conflicting information about FTB’s policies and the laws on which these policies and procedures are based is because FTB knows these policies and procedures are unlawful. Here are pages 1 – 18, 19 – 36, 37 – 54, and 55 – 72.

The last paragraph of page 3, all of pages 4, 5 and 6, and the first paragraph of page 7 are important to read in full because they contain the overview of the assorted questionable business practices that are detailed in the rest of the document. I did not highlight those pages because every word would be highlighted! The rest of the document is repetitive and tedious, so I have highlighted the important stuff for you.

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