Another Authority to Report Government Corruption/Summary of My Work

I’ve posted many times about filing reports of government corruption to various authorities. Basically, whenever I see a claim that a particular branch of government handles such matters, I file a complaint with that agency.

The People’s Operation Restoration recently posted this to their Telegram Channel:


Here is the military email address to report EVERYONE involved in the covid scam….  report doctors, nurses, admins, judges, magistrates, media, medical admins and all others involved in forcing you to wear a mask, get tested or get a jab.

Anyone hurting anyone! Human trafficking, child trafficking, child exploitation child abuse child sexual abuse!

Chemtrails, chemicals anywhere being sprayed. 

Report any/all! 

They will check it out and decide whether it’s prosecutable! There are no ramifications for tipping them off!

& this is real.

please share this with all others.

So I went ahead and filed a report. I think it is a nice overview of my work over the last six years.

September 11, 2024


Re: Reporting Crimes Committed by California Officials (Accounting Fraud)

Dear Military:

I was told this is an address to report crimes that have been committed against the public. 

Back in 2016, I realized that I had been caught in an embezzlement and racketeering scheme being perpetrated by California’s income tax agency, called the Franchise Tax Board (FTB). I sued FTB in San Diego Superior Court (SDSC). Thanks to the documents that the FTB propounded for the case, I was able to document eight bona fide accounting fraud schemes to overcharge taxpayers. 

Here is a write up that explains how the schemes work. The embedded links are to evidence, most of which are court documents:

The most comprehensive document of all was the Statement of Undisputed Facts (SUF). The SUF makes it crystal clear how the accounting fraud schemes work â€” multiple departments each make â€śmistakes” which come together in a way where false late fees, penalties and interest are imposed and/or where principal payments are imposed beyond what the taxpayer actually owes. These â€śmistakes” carry over to the departments that handle the processing of correspondence and the rights to protest, so all of our taxpayer rights are â€śmistakenly” violated. Because of the extreme amount of redacting needed, I never uploaded it to my website. However, you can download a copy of the document for yourself from the court: The case year is 2020 and the case number is 00005100.  The SUF is item #86. Also worth downloading and reading is item #39, which contains Exhibit 49, entitled Accounting Irregularities and Exhibit 52, titled Plaintiff’s Request for Admissions.  As you will see in the documents that you download, FTB never denied the allegations. FTB merely stated that the allegations were irrelevant to the case. Failure to deny constitutes admission of truth, so FTB tacitly admitted that it is perpetrating these accounting fraud schemes. 

In the SDSC case, two FTB staff committed multiple counts of perjury and one FTB staff made a false statement to the court. The attorney representing FTB, Deputy Attorney General Anna Barsegyan, committed multiple crimes, including conspiring with FTB to publish my and my husband’s social security numbers on the internet, conspiring to commit suborning perjury, unlawful harassment, and much more. Here is a Federal Criminal Complaint that I filed against the four individuals with the Department of Treasury:

Since I did not get resolution through the court system, I filed some surety bond claims against FTB staff for the crimes they committed. I found out that the State of California stopped issuing surety bonds when Reagan was governor. Now, in lieu of surety bonds, the state has issued itself a blanket insurance policy through an office called the Office of Risk and Insurance Management (ORIM). ORIM cashed all of my checks for the administrative fee, then ghosted me. There is no way to follow up with ORIM since they don’t answer the phone or return message or respond to emails. I believe that the entire State of California government is illegitimate because of the lack of bonds. More info here:

Here are links to some of the ORIM claims + proof: 

ORIM Claim Filed Against FTB Board of Directors and Executives for Refusing to Disclose Policy and Procedure Surrounding Payments Credited for the Purpose of Calculating Interest:

ORIM Claim Filed Against FTB Board of Directors and Executives for Refusing to Disclose Policy and Procedure Regarding Payments That Are Supposed to be Immediately Applied:

ORIM Claim Filed Against FTB Board of Directors and Executives for Refusing to Disclose Policy and Procedure Surrounding Notices of Proposed Assessments:

ORIM Claim Filed FTB Executives for Not Having Executed Oaths:

Meanwhile, I also contacted every oversight agency I could think of, including the FBI, the Federal Treasury, California Auditor’s Office (which is supposed to investigate crimes), Governor Newsom’s office, GovOps (the oversight agency for FTB), FTB’s Board of Directors (one of whom is the State Controller), the State Senate and Assembly Tax Oversight Committees, and more. None were willing to intervene to stop the crimes being perpetrated by FTB, and the crimes continue on today. I decided to file a Federal Criminal Complaint against the individuals who were covering up FTB’s crimes. I started pulling oaths so I could add Treason of Oath as one of the charges. 

I discovered that State Senator Scott Wiener’s oath had expired at the end of 2018. I notified the State Senate and Scott Wiener’s office about the lack of oath in January of this year. Since then, Scott Wiener has failed to sign an oath, so he is knowingly and willfully violating US Criminal Code Title 18 U.S.C. § 912, acting a foreign agent posing as a government agent by passing laws without jurisdiction to do so. Likewise, the State Senate has not made Wiener sign an oath, so the State Senate is knowingly conspiring to commit a felony. Details are here:

I have actually collected a lot more incriminating information that I would like to share, but I don’t want to make this email too long. If you would like more information, I can be reached at (XXX) XXX-XXXX. Since I live in San Diego, I would be happy to hand deliver hard copies of any and all evidence to any of the bases in San Diego county. Just let me know where to deliver them. 


Christine Grab

Note: I am not suicidal, I don’t have depression issues, I am a careful driver, I rarely drink alcohol, and I do not use drugs of any kind (not even aspirin). My family lives a wholesome life. If something happens to me or my family that is out of character for us, we were set up by the State of California as revenge for exposing their crimes.

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