I Was Featured on the Uncensored Beat Podcast

Uncensored Beat had me on to talk about my campaign to have people call the State Senate daily to demand that the State Senate comply with state and federal laws. Since Wiener has been working unlawfully since 2019, they are required to immediately vacate Scott Wiener from office, void all his votes, and void all the legislation he authored, co-authored and sponsored.

Here are links to the various topics we discussed:

FTB’s 8-schemes to overcharge taxpayers

The two common law Criminal Complaints I’ve already filed.

Notice of Legal Violations, Opportunity to Cure that was served to the State Senate proving Wiener and others were working unlawfully. This has the list of laws being violated.

Writ of Quo Warranto that was served to the State Senate demanding that Wiener and the others working unlawfully to vacate office.

A lot of executives in the California government don’t have oaths.

More information about the Office of Tax Appeals sham administrative court

BAR Complaint I filed against FTB employee Eric Yadao and the two BAR complaints against Deputy Attorney General Anna Barsegyan.

California Auditor’s Office rebuked the California State BAR for failing to discipline their attorneys.

Proposed New State BAR Policy Regarding the Removal of Non-disbarment Discipline, Administrative Suspensions, and Inactive Enrollments — Please comment that they can’t remove transparency! Comment period ends on September 24, 2024

State BAR: Proposed New Rule 9.33 of the Rules of Court Regarding the Expungement of Non-disbarment Discipline — Please comment that they can’t remove transparency! Comment period ends on September 24, 2024

SB1414, the bill to make child sex trafficking a felony, was gutted by the State Senate Public Safety Committee. Wiener sits on that committee.

AB-28, the new 11% tax on fire arms and ammunition, is void once you remove Wiener’s vote as they won’t have 2/3 anymore.

We’ve gotten our first video confronting Wiener’s staff! If anyone else takes a video, please notify me!

I sent the woman in the video an email notifying her that she may have committed the felony of conspiracy to cover up criminal activities. I encouraged her to demand that Wiener publicly share this oath that he allegedly signed or else she should quit as continuing to work for him would be conspiracy to commit a felony. I also reminded her that Wiener is allowing infant rape. I cc:d many of Wiener’s staff on the email and copied the State Senate Committee.

And finally, these are the offices to call to demand that Wiener vacate office:

Wiener’s office in San Francisco: (415) 557-1300

Wiener’s office in Sacramento: (916) 651-4011

State Senate Committee: (916) 651-4120 (Erika Contreras was the one served)

State Senate Operations: (916) 651-1504 (John Nam was the one served)

State Senate HR: 916-651-1557 (Lynne Cervinka and Sheila Braverman were both served)

Senate President Pro Tempore Senator Mike McGuire: (916) 651-4002

Note: I am not suicidal, I don’t have depression issues, I am a careful driver, I rarely drink alcohol, and I do not use drugs of any kind (not even aspirin). My family lives a wholesome life. If something happens to me or my family that is out of character for us, we were set up by the State of California as revenge for exposing their crimes.

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