The State Senate Has Been Served a Second Legal Notice, Called a Writ of Quo Warranto, Which is an Order to Vacate Office

— Step 1 in the constitutional law (AKA Common Law or Law of the Land) legal process is to notify someone of a legal violation and to ask them to comply with the laws.

On July 12, 2024, I served the State Senate Committee and State Senate Human Resources a Notice of Legal Violations — Opportunity to Cure. In it, I informed the State Senate that Senator Scott Wiener and nineteen staffers were working unlawfully without current, properly executed oaths and without surety bonds, which are both required by law. Three more state senators had oaths, but not bonds. The people served had until July 26th to procure oaths and bonds for the people named and for themselves.

— Step 2 in the constitutional law legal process is that if they continue to break the laws, send an order that they stop breaking the laws. In this case, it means that all the people working unlawfully need to vacate their offices.

On August 9, 2024, the State Senate Committee and State Senate Human Resources were served with a legal document called Writ of Quo Warranto. Here are the highlights:

Pages 1 – 2: Explains that a Writ of Quo Warranto is essentially an order to vacate office because the person doesn’t have the right to hold the office. Also lists the Maxims of Law.

Pages 2 – 8: Recap of the contents of the Notice of Legal Violations — Opportunity to Cure (which was step 1 in the constitutional law process).

Pages 8 – 11: I identify others who have been contacted and explain that since no one disputed the allegations made in the Notice of Legal Violations — Opportunity to Cure, the facts listed are now confirmed to be true: All of the people listed are working unlawfully.

Page 11: Each person named has until August 16, 2024 (one week from the date of service) to vacate their positions.

Page 11: All people appointed to replace the people who are currently working unlawfully without oaths and bonds must take proper oaths and procure surety bonds

Pages 11 – 12: Scott Wiener is to be indicted per US Criminal Code Title 18 U.S.C. § 912 for knowingly acting a foreign agent posing as a government agent and for passing laws without jurisdiction to do so.

Page 13: All legislature authored, co-authored and/or sponsored by State Senator Scott Wiener since his oath expired at the end of 2018 must be voided.

The reality is that the State Senate is knowingly ignoring the laws. The State Senate will continue to do so until there is a big enough public pushback to force the State Senate to comply. It is up to “we the people” to call the State Senate every day to demand that the State Senate follow the laws by making Wiener and the others vacate their positions, prosecuting Wiener, and voiding all the legislature Wiener has enacted. And we also need to call Wiener’s office every day demanding that he immediately vacate office.

Wiener’s office in San Francisco: (415) 557-1300

Wiener’s office in Sacramento: (916) 651-4011

State Senate Committee: (916) 651-4120 (Erika Contreras was the one served)

State Senate Operations: (916) 651-1504 (John Nam was the one served)

State Senate HR: 916-651-1557 (Lynne Cervinka and Sheila Braverman were both served)

Senate President Pro Tempore Senator Mike McGuire: (916) 651-4002

Also, it would be great if people in the SF Bay and Sacramento areas would post exposé videos to social media. Please go into Wiener’s office and ask the staffers why Wiener refuses to promise to follow the state and federal constitutions. There is no valid reason for him to refuse to sign an oath.

Please go into the state senate offices and ask the state senate staff why the state senate is knowingly allowing these people to work without oaths and bonds. Remind them that by being complicit, they are each conspiring to commit a felony.

I believe that if the public sees footage of how self-righteous the people at the State Senate are about being above the law, the public will be outraged and more people will be inspired to call. We constituents are literally their bosses and its time we flex our power of oversight.

Update: For those who prefer podcasts, I was interviewed by Jacques Israel on Restore Rebuild (audio only) and on Uncensored Beat (audio + video) about demanding that Wiener and the others resign.

Update 2: In the late afternoon on August 16, I called Wiener’s office, Contreras Office and Nam’s office to see if they’d resigned. None had. At Nam’s office, the woman  who answered the phone laughed at me. A giant, hearty laugh that clearly said that she believed they were above the law.

Note: I am not suicidal, I don’t have depression issues, I am a careful driver, I rarely drink alcohol, and I do not use drugs of any kind (not even aspirin). My family lives a wholesome life. If something happens to me or my family that is out of character for us, we were set up by the State of California as revenge for exposing their crimes.

5 Replies to “The State Senate Has Been Served a Second Legal Notice, Called a Writ of Quo Warranto, Which is an Order to Vacate Office”

  1. Power does not corrupt men; fools, however, if they get into a position of power, corrupt power.

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