I Was Featured on the Restore Rebuild Podcast with Jacques Israel!

We discuss my efforts to hold the California government accountable to “we the people.” The summary is that it is up to each one of us to contact government agents to demand accountability — the only solution right now is enough public pressure to force the government’s hand.

Links to the various things we discussed in the podcast:

The project I’m currently working on: all government employees are required to have oaths and bonds in order to be lawfully employed. Many State of California employees don’t have executed oaths and none seems to have bonds

I am trying to force government employees to take oaths or leave their jobs. Last year, I tried filing an Office of Risk and Insurance Management claim (ORIM), but ORIM ghosted me and the people I filed against seem to still be employed (statutory law). I’ve also notified federal regulators, and again, the people I’ve reported seem to still be employed.

On July 12, 2024, I tried another strategy. I served a Notice of Legal Violation to the State Senate Committee leadership and Human Resources regarding the employees that I caught without oaths and bonds, including State Senator Scott Wiener (constitutional law).

Class-Action Federal Criminal Complaint (via constitutional law) that I’m hoping to eventually file

The 8 schemes to overcharge taxpayers that I have documented via records submitted to the Office of Tax Appeals and San Diego Superior Court.

Payment schedule that I submitted to San Diego Superior Court to substantiate how many payments were “lost” and how long it took to “locate” each of them. 

The Office of Tax Appeals and San Diego Superior Court rulings in my case were so rigged that it was jaw dropping. FTB and DOJ conspired together to retaliate and harass me for exposing FTB’s accounting fraud to authorities.

March 2023 board meeting where FTB admitted that penalties were being falsely imposed as a result of customer service failures.

The playbook that government agencies use to unlawfully generate more revenue for themselves.

The Open the Books Lawsuit against (then) State Controller Betty Yee to disclose how the State spends our tax dollars.

Last year, Audra Morgan interviewed me about the assortment of strategies that I’ve already tried to fight government corruption, and the results that each strategy yielded.

August 2024 Update: Jacques Israel had me back for a follow up interview on the next step that I took in the legal process, called a Writ of Quo Warranto.

Note: I am not suicidal, I don’t have depression issues, I am a careful driver, I rarely drink alcohol, and I do not use drugs of any kind (not even aspirin). My family lives a wholesome life. If something happens to me or my family that is out of character for us, we were set up by the State of California as revenge for exposing their crimes.

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