Why Do I Think Scott Wiener is Evil?

Someone asked me why I am working so hard to get Scott Wiener vacated from office, his legislation voided, and his votes voided. 

I could write a novel about all the horrible legislation he’s pushed and all the good legislation that he’s gutted. But most people won’t read a wall of text. Here is a succinct meme that Wiener’s opponent in the 2024 election made:

The issues addressed in the meme are only the top of the iceberg.  

The worst bill yet, AB-1955, was passed this year. It was co-authored by Laird, Wiener and Eggman Tallamantes (none of whom have current oaths). This bill specifically protects people who are sexually grooming children in schools. The bill prohibits schools “to disclose any information related to a pupils sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression (including parents)… The bill would prohibit employees or contractors of school districts, county offices of education, charter schools, or the state special schools, or members of the governing boards or bodies of those educational entities, from retaliating or taking adverse action against an employee on the basis that the employee supported a pupil in the exercise of specified rights, work activities, or providing certain instruction, as provided.” This is a clear violation of our rights as parents to protect our children from predators.  

The meme also didn’t make it clear just how bad the alterations were to SB-1414, the bill to make buying a child prostitue a felony for all children in all circumstances. It was gutted by the State Senate Public Safety Committee, who changed it to protect only some children in some circumstances. Prostituting children is a violation of the 13th amendment. 3/5 of the Public Safety committee was working fraudulently without current oaths: Wiener, Bradford, and Skinner

It is obvious that the people who didn’t sign oaths chose not to because they knew they were going to pass laws that violate the constitutions. Not having an oath = 3 years in prison. Treason of oath (including creating laws that violate the constitution) = up to and including the death penalty. 

Restore Rebuild did an updated interview with me that has a lot more information on why Wiener is so bad (45-minutes, audio only).

This is a summary of all the work I have done so far to get Wiener vacated from office, which has links within it to incredibly detailed info, including all the relevant laws that are being violated by the State Senate by allowing Wiener to continue working fraudulently.

And, finally, please help me get rid of him by going on record as wanting him out of office. Please sign and share this petition.

Note: I am not suicidal, I don’t have depression issues, I am a careful driver, I rarely drink alcohol, and I do not use drugs of any kind (not even aspirin). My family lives a wholesome life. If something happens to me or my family that is out of character for us, we were set up by the State of California as revenge for exposing their crimes.

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