Fourth ORIM Claim Filed! This One is Also Against FTB Board of Directors and Executives for Refusing to Disclose Policy and Procedure Regarding Payments That Are Supposed to be Immediately Applied.

Quick background: Every government employee is required to take an Oath and to have an insurance policy or bond. ORIM is the insurance agency for State of California employees. For those of you who are looking to file your own claims, here is info on how to do so. Before you order an oath, check to see if I already have it posted. If you would like some models to follow, here is the first, and second and third claims that I’ve filed.

I was excited about the third ORIM claim that I filed, and I am even more excited about this fourth claim! I have Accused fifteen individuals from four different agencies of violating my rights under California Right R&TC Section 21006(b)(2), for violating 18 USC §1001 (a)(1) by refusing to disclose FTB’s policies and procedures regarding exactly when payments that are supposed to be applied immediately upon receipt are actually applied, and for violating 18 US Code 242 by not allowing me full and free access of information in accordance with my rights, which is a Class A misdemeanor. 

Continue reading “Fourth ORIM Claim Filed! This One is Also Against FTB Board of Directors and Executives for Refusing to Disclose Policy and Procedure Regarding Payments That Are Supposed to be Immediately Applied.”

Third ORIM Complaint Filed Against FTB Board of Directors and Executives for Refusing to Disclose Policy and Procedure Surrounding Payments Credited for the Purpose of Calculating Interest

Quick background: Every government employee is required to take an Oath and to have an insurance policy or bond. ORIM is the insurance agency for State of California employees. For those of you who are looking to file your own claims, here is info on how to do so. Before you order an oath, check to see if I already have it posted. If you would like some models to follow, here is the first claim I filed, and here is the second claim.

I am very excited about this third claim! I have Accused fourteen individuals from four different agencies of violating my rights under California Right R&TC Section 21006(b)(2), for violating 18 USC §1001 (a)(1) by refusing to disclose FTB’s policies and procedures regarding how it is determined which payments/portions of payments are applied for the purpose of calculating interest, and for violating 18 US Code 242 by not allowing me full and free access of information in accordance with my rights, which is a Class A misdemeanor. 

Continue reading “Third ORIM Complaint Filed Against FTB Board of Directors and Executives for Refusing to Disclose Policy and Procedure Surrounding Payments Credited for the Purpose of Calculating Interest”

Oaths & Salary Info for BAR, BOE, DOF, DGS, DOJ, FTB, SCO, GovOps, OLC, OTA, State Senate, and Superior Court Employees

A previous post explains the importance of Oaths and Bonds/Insurance, how order Oaths and proof of Bonds/Insurance, and what to do if you find an Oath/Bond violation. A more recent post gives more info on the how it appears the California State government may be illegitimate due to the lack of bonds/insurance.

I am slowly but steadily uploading all the Oaths that I have collected and linking to their salary information. If you are looking for a particular person’s Oath, check below to see if I already have it. If a name is listed but the Oath has not yet been uploaded, ping me and I’ll get it uploaded ASAP. Check back periodically because I have more Oaths ordered that will hopefully arrive soon.

California BAR Association (BAR) (Fun fact: BAR stands for British Accreditation Registry)

Henderson, Robert Jr:. Unexecuted Oath of Allegiance; No insurance; Authorities Notified

Horton-Billard, Cecilia: Unexecuted Oath of Allegiance; No Insurance; Authorities Notified

Kim, Roy: Oath of Allegiance

Harvey, Mark: Oath of Allegiance

Wallerstein, Lori: Oath of Allegiance

California Board of Equalization (BOE)

Continue reading “Oaths & Salary Info for BAR, BOE, DOF, DGS, DOJ, FTB, SCO, GovOps, OLC, OTA, State Senate, and Superior Court Employees”

How to Order Oaths and Report Oath Violations — Oath Violations May Have HUGE Impacts!

The explosive information is in the last paragraph. I am also working on uploading all of the Oaths that I have collected.

Requesting Oaths

Lately, I have been trying to combat government corruption by filing insurance claims against State Employees. But I haven’t given up on filing Federal Criminal Complaint (FCC); I’ve just put FCCs on the back burner for now.

David Myrland was right: The tax man does own the court system. California law says that on tax matters, jury trials are forbidden. Now I understand why that statute was enacted. “The system” can’t control a jury like they do judges. I am so tired of the games built into “the system” to ensure that the government is never held accountable for their crimes against constituents.

I’ve decided that the next FCC that I (eventually) file will be against all the other agencies who are protecting FTB’s schemes: FTB’s Board of Directors, who knowingly allow these schemes to continue; the three Office of Tax Appeals judges and Superior Court judge who covered up FTB’s unlawful activities in my court cases against FTB; and the people at the Bar Association who won’t prosecute the lawyers who committed crimes to protect FTB.

In preparation for the FCC filing, I needed to order the Oaths for everyone who will be charged in the FCC so that I can add Treason of Oath to the list of crimes. Here is a sample letter, which in which I requested both oaths and bonds.)

Per federal law, every elected or appointed government official must sign an Oath of Office. Per California law, all other government employees are required to take an Oath of Allegiance prior to beginning employment. The law also states that the State must issue an insurance policy or bond on every government employee. Under the California Public Records Request Act (CPRA), which is Gov. Code 7920.54(a), the agencies have to turn over copies of these documents upon request. CPRA is California’s version of FOIA.

Continue reading “How to Order Oaths and Report Oath Violations — Oath Violations May Have HUGE Impacts!”

FTB’s Response to My 2022 Annual Taxpayer Bill of Rights Requests

As is required under Revenue and Taxation Code (RTC) 21006(a)(2), every year, the Franchise Tax Board allows the general public to make requests for changes to laws, policies and/or procedures that pertain to FTB.

I participated in the December 2022 meeting by submitting a set of requests in writing on November 29, 2022 and an oral request of the same items at the meeting held on December 8, 2022. 

On January 31, 2023, FTB provided a written response to my request. For Item #4, they stated “FTB will provide you with a supplemental response by February 28, 2023, or sooner.” 

On February 2, 2023, I sent my own response to FTB’s written response. In it, I stated:

Continue reading “FTB’s Response to My 2022 Annual Taxpayer Bill of Rights Requests”

Update on the California Bar Association Complaint Against Deputy Attorney General Anna Barsegyan

Quick summary of what has happened with the Bar so far regarding Anna Barsegyan:

On November 18, 2021, I filed a Bar Complaint against Anna Barsegyan for harassment and retaliation. The Bar refused to open an investigation into the Complaint on the basis that, since there was a judge on the case, the Bar was absolved of its responsibilities to provide oversight of Ms. Barsegyan.

In December 2022, I filed another Bar Complaint against Anna Barsegyan. There were a slew of new charges, including conspiring to commit suborning perjury (in layman’s terms this means setting someone up as a patsy) and advising her client to break federal and state laws in order to hide evidence of criminal activity from the court. This time, the Bar sent a letter stating “Your recent correspondence presents no new evidence which would merit reopening your complaint.” 

I had a back and forth email conversation with Bar employee Roy Kim, in which I stated “… I filed the new complaint, which contained many new allegations against Ms. Barsegyan that had not been included in the original complaint #21-O-14331.

…I found this denial letter to be disturbingly vague. It appears to me that you are trying to sweep these new — and very serious — allegations under the rug by pretending that I never made them. 

I request that the Complaint submitted on December 19, 2022 to be treated as new Complaint, that a new file is opened for this new Complaint, that a proper investigation be done regarding ALL charges presented in the new Complaint…”

The Bar responded by agreeing to open a new Complaint.

Continue reading “Update on the California Bar Association Complaint Against Deputy Attorney General Anna Barsegyan”

Updates on the Insurance (Bond) Claims That I’ve Filed Against CA DOJ and FTB

My first Insurance (Bond) Claim against FTB employee Grace LeBleu and CA DOJ employee Anna Barsegyan was denied on the grounds that the conspiracy to expose my and my husband’s social security numbers happened more than a year ago.

On April 20, 2023, I filed a revised claim against Michelle M. Mitchell (claim and evidence below). She is the Coordinating Supervisor in the California Department of Justice’s Public Records Department, who violated California Government Code Section 1460 by refusing to furnish Barsegyan’s bond/insurance information. She also committed fraud by telling me that the laws requiring all California employees to be bonded or insured did not exist. I believe that this outright fraud was intended to stop me from exercising my right to file a claim against Barsegyan/LeBleu, which takes my claim against her beyond a civil matter to a criminal matter: the DOJ has violated 18 US Criminal Code section §1001 and 18 USC §241.

Continue reading “Updates on the Insurance (Bond) Claims That I’ve Filed Against CA DOJ and FTB”

How to Order an Oath of Office for a California Judge

Note: Here are directions to order Oaths from other California State agencies.

For those of you who want to get an Oath of Office for a judge serving in California, you must request it via snail mail: California Secretary of State, Notary Public Section, PO Box 942877, Sacramento, CA 94277-0001. Attention: Juan T. Enclose a check or money order for $1.00 made out to the Secretary of State.

The turn time is approximately two weeks. If you have any questions, you can call (916) 653 -3593. Since it is always a long hold time, you will want to request a call back. The caller ID when they call you back says: “(844) 488-8051 “Sutter Cmnty Cn” I didn’t answer the first time because I thought it was spam.

Below is the copy of the letter that I sent. I’ll let you all know how the Secretary of State responds. August 16, 2023 Update: I still have not gotten the oaths back, so I mailed another request.

Continue reading “How to Order an Oath of Office for a California Judge”

I Have Filed a Bond/Insurance Claim Against Anna Barsegyan and Grace LeBleu

I found out about a group called Bonds For The Win that is having success fighting government corruption in school districts. A child was harmed by the mask mandate. The mom found out that all government employees are required by federal law to be bonded. If that employee/department does something harmful, the person harmed can file a claim against their bond(s). Usually, if a claim is paid, the bond company will revoke the bond and the employee(s) will be forced to resign. Using the bond claim strategy, this mom was able to get the mask mandate removed from her district. Many other parents followed suit and tried it with their own school boards, and many have also been successful.

Since my husband and I were harmed by two government employees, I decided to give filing a bond claim a try, too.

Continue reading “I Have Filed a Bond/Insurance Claim Against Anna Barsegyan and Grace LeBleu”

Bar Complaint Filed Against Deputy Attorney General Anna Barsegyan

On December 19, 2022, I filed a Bar Complaint against against Deputy Attorney General Anna Barsegyan where I requested that she be disbarred. Here is a quick summary of the most egregious of the allegations in the Bar Complaint. The evidence that I included to substantiate the allegations was the second Federal Criminal Complaint that I filed against her, all the evidence for the FCC, and the DOJ email chain.

I believe that Anna Barsegyan crossed the line from representing her client into actively participating in her client’s criminal cover-up. To accomplish this cover up, she used an assortment of unlawful tactics, including Harassment, Retaliation, Violation of Rights, Abuse of the Court System, and Obstruction of Justice. In doing so, she repeatedly violated the American Bar Association rules 8.4 (a), (c) and (g).

Continue reading “Bar Complaint Filed Against Deputy Attorney General Anna Barsegyan”