Certificate of Default Has Been Served to the CA State Senate for Failing to Remove Scott Wiener and Other Unlawful Employees

Important News!

State Senators Steven Bradford, John Laird, Nancy Skinner and Susan Talamantes Eggman, as well as Assemblyman Joaquin Arambula, are also working unlawfully without a current oath on file with the Secretary of State (SOS).  Each of their individual oaths is on my oaths page; scroll all the way down to nearly the bottom to find their names.

The SOS also confirmed that Scott Wiener still hasn’t filed an oath. At this point, there is no denying this is intentional criminal malfeasance. Please sign my petition to have him vacated from office and his legislation voided.

Signing the petition is important so that we have a ledger of who does not consent to the crime of legislators working unlawfully. Calling has even more power, so please also call daily (phone numbers at the bottom of the post).

The Certificate of Default

On September 26, 2024, a Certificate of Default (pages 1 – 18 and pages 19 – 35), which is step 3 in the Common Law legal process, was served to four people: Secretary of State Senate Erika Contreras, Deputy Secretary of State Senate John Nam, State Senate Human Resources Executive Sheila Braverman and State Senate Human Resources Executive Lynn Cervinka for conspiring to allow 20 + people to work unlawfully without oaths and bonds. The summary is:

Pages 1 – 3: Relevant precedent legal rulings and Maxims of Law.

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Oaths & Salary Info for BAR, BOE, DOF, DGS, DOJ, FTB, GovOps, OLC, OTA, SCO, State Assembly, State Senate, and Superior Court Employees

A previous post explains the importance of Oaths and Bonds/Insurance, how order Oaths and proof of Bonds/Insurance, and what to do if you find an Oath/Bond violation. A more recent post gives more info on the how it appears the California State government may be illegitimate due to the lack of bonds/insurance.

I am slowly but steadily uploading all the Oaths that I have collected and linking to their salary information. If you are looking for a particular person’s Oath, check below to see if I already have it. If a name is listed but the Oath has not yet been uploaded, ping me and I’ll get it uploaded ASAP. Check back periodically because I have more Oaths ordered that will hopefully arrive soon.

California BAR Association (BAR) (Fun fact: BAR stands for British Accreditation Registry)

Henderson, Robert Jr:. Unexecuted Oath of Allegiance; No insurance; Authorities Notified

Horton-Billard, Cecilia: Unexecuted Oath of Allegiance; No Insurance; Authorities Notified

Kim, Roy: Oath of Allegiance

Harvey, Mark: Oath of Allegiance

Wallerstein, Lori: Oath of Allegiance

California Board of Equalization (BOE)

Continue reading “Oaths & Salary Info for BAR, BOE, DOF, DGS, DOJ, FTB, GovOps, OLC, OTA, SCO, State Assembly, State Senate, and Superior Court Employees”

The Playbook That Government Agencies Use To Get Away With Criminal Schemes

I watched a video about a woman in Arizona (AZ) who had her children stolen by Child Protective Services (CPS).

As I watched the video, my jaw dropped as I realized that CPS in AZ used strikingly similar tactics to violate the laws as the Franchise Tax Board (FTB) in California (CA) used against me. It can’t be a coincidence that my experience was so similar to hers when it was a completely different issue, involving a completely different agency, with completely different circumstances. 

I am starting to realize that there must be a playbook of tactics that government agencies use to extract extra revenue for themselves. Obviously, the specific tactics are customized by the agencies, but the general playbook appears to be identical: 1. Lay a trap, 2. Deny due process 3. Rig the justice system and 4. Have other government agencies cover it up.

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FTB’s 8 Schemes To Overcharge Taxpayers

For those that prefer video, here is a 12-minute speech that I made to State Controller Betty Yee via webinar in December 2020, which sums up the info below. We’re also working on a documentary series exposing the corruption.

The over-simplified explanation of the schemes that I got ensnared in is that the Franchise Tax Board does not apply the money that you send them to your account right away. Then they charge you penalties for “paying late.” Then they over-charge interest on these penalties. 

But you have to understand that the reason that they’ve been getting away with their criminal activities is because tax law is complicated, and they work the complex nature of the laws to deceive the public on what the laws actually say. 

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Restore Rebuild Had Me Back to Give an Update on the Petition to Have State Senator Scott Wiener’s Legislative Work Voided

Show Notes:

1:30 – 6:00 Recap of my government corruption fight – how I went from fighting against the California Franchise Tax Board to end schemes to overcharge taxpayers to fighting against the State Senate to have Scott Wiener vacated from office for working unlawfully without an oath. 

Continue reading “Restore Rebuild Had Me Back to Give an Update on the Petition to Have State Senator Scott Wiener’s Legislative Work Voided”

I’m Trying to Track How the $10.5 Million that Franchise Tax Board Gave to NGOs for “Educational Purposes” is Being Spent

In 2022, as part of the SENATE BILL 154 – BUDGET ACT OF 2022, the legislature ordered FTB to spend $20,000,000 of FTB’s budget “for outreach to create increased awareness of, and participation in, the Earned Income Tax Credit and the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program. These funds shall be allocated via contracts to nonprofit and community-based organizations. The participating nonprofit and community-based organizations shall particularly focus their outreach effortson persons who file tax returns using Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITIN) (page 9).”

The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) is a tax credit that can be taken as a cash refund if the credit is more than the person’s tax liability. People who make less than $12,000 per year are not required to file a tax return; the EITC is a carrot to essentially pay them to file a return. ITINs are California’s equivalent to social security numbers that are issued to illegal immigrants (California is a sanctuary state).

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Update on the Petition and Efforts to Void Unlawfully Implemented Legislation

Uncensored Beat had me back at the end of November to give an update on the petition to void unlawfully implemented legislation. We also talked about how the word “equity” is deceptively utilized to justify taking away opportunities from most and making society less safe for all. In addition to how Wiener uses “equity” in his legislative work, we talked about how the CA Department of Education tried to use “equity” to limit kids access to algebra classes and remove calculus altogether (the parents pushed bak and stopped it from happening).

Here is the full update so far, as of the end of December:

— Before I served the petition, I discovered more State Senators working unlawfully without oaths: (scroll all the way down to almost the bottom of the oaths page):

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FTB’s 2024 Annual Taxpayer Bill of Rights (ATBOR) Meeting

The speech was limited to 5 minutes, so it was short and succinct. This is the text of the speech. The written submission is long and detailed, and includes links to proof of the allegations made.

This year, I’ve also made three legislative change requests: 1 treat married couples as a single tax entity. This has more details on exactly how the married couple embezzlement/racketeering scheme works that I’d referred to in the speech. 2. Repeal 1917C2 as it violates our right to protest. 3: Remove the loophole that lets FTB evade our right to due process.

Summary: This year, I made 7 ATBOR requests:

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The State Senate Rules Committee Is Panicking! They’ve Committed Fraud Yet Again to Try to Cover Up Their Crimes!

On October 29, 2024, the petition to vacate Wiener from office was served via email at 11:50 am.

On October 30, 2024, at 5:46 pm, the State Senate Rules committee responded. In their response, they included a copy of an oath of office for Scott Wiener that expired in 2022 which was never filed with the Secretary of State (per CA Gov. Code Section 1363 (a) and (a)(1), an oath of office that isn’t filed isn’t valid). They also included a copy of the Senate Daily Journal for December 7, 2020.

On page 2 of the letter, Ms. Contreras asked me to stop contacting anyone but her about the oath matters.

Normally, the State Senate ignores me. If they do respond, it takes them weeks or even months. The quick response indicates that the State Senate is panicking over this petition. The fact that she specifically asked me to stop contacting other people indicates that the calls you all are making are working!!!!

Please continue to share the petition and continue calling the State Senate daily. The increasing numbers of calls and signatures will scare them into complying with state and federal laws.

On October 31, 2024 at 8:48 am, I responded to the letter. I opened my letter with:

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Uncensored Beat Had Me Back for a Follow Up Interview About Vacating Wiener From Office

In this 17-minute interview, I answer the questions that people usually ask about why oaths are important and why vacating Wiener from office is a viable avenue to void the bad legislative work that Wiener has pushed through.

In this 4.5 minute clip, I give clear instructions on who to call at the State Senate and what to say to them in order to pressure the State Senate into complying with the laws.

Here are links to the various things we talked about in the videos:

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Why Do I Think Scott Wiener is Evil?

Someone asked me why I am working so hard to get Scott Wiener vacated from office, his legislation voided, and his votes voided. The quick summary is that he uses deception to protect perpetrators of crimes, thus leaving people more vulnerable to victimization.

I could write a novel about all the horrible legislation he’s pushed and all the good legislation that he’s gutted. But most people won’t read a wall of text. Here is a succinct meme that Wiener’s opponent in the 2024 election made:

The issues addressed in the meme are only the top of the iceberg.  The goal in his legislative work is to correct “inequities.” Most people confuse “equity” with “equality,” so when we hear something is “inequitable,” we assume it means that the system was somehow rigged to stop someone from having the opportunity to succeed.

However, when Wiener says “equity,” he means the opposite of what the average person thinks. Wiener’s goal is to ensure equal results, not equal opportunities to succeed. He consistently argues that if there is a demographic that is convicted for a particular crime more-so than any other demographic, that crime is “inequitable” and thus must be decriminalized. Of course, by decriminalizing these behaviors, he is leaving the general public more vulnerable to being harmed by these behaviors. Here are some specific examples:

Continue reading “Why Do I Think Scott Wiener is Evil?”

Jacques Israel Had Me Back on Restore Rebuild to Talk About How “We The People” Vacate Weiner From Office

In this 45-minute audio-only podcast, we talked about a wide variety of topics, including removing Wiener from office, the fact that I’ve caught five more legislators working unlawfully without oaths, several concerning laws that have passed in recent years, and about “learned helpless syndrome” that most Americans seem to be suffering from.

Here are links to the various things we talked about:

Continue reading “Jacques Israel Had Me Back on Restore Rebuild to Talk About How “We The People” Vacate Weiner From Office”

Another Authority to Report Government Corruption/Summary of My Work

I’ve posted many times about filing reports of government corruption to various authorities. Basically, whenever I see a claim that a particular branch of government handles such matters, I file a complaint with that agency.

The People’s Operation Restoration recently posted this to their Telegram Channel:

🔥 EMAIL TO REPORT: saf.ighotline@us.af.mil

Here is the military email address to report EVERYONE involved in the covid scam….  report doctors, nurses, admins, judges, magistrates, media, medical admins and all others involved in forcing you to wear a mask, get tested or get a jab.

Anyone hurting anyone! Human trafficking, child trafficking, child exploitation child abuse child sexual abuse!

Chemtrails, chemicals anywhere being sprayed. 

Report any/all! 

They will check it out and decide whether it’s prosecutable! There are no ramifications for tipping them off!

& this is real.

please share this with all others.

So I went ahead and filed a report. I think it is a nice overview of my work over the last six years.

Continue reading “Another Authority to Report Government Corruption/Summary of My Work”