December 13, 2017
Christopher Calhoun
Franchise Tax Board
Via Fax
Dear Mr. Calhoun,
First of all, I would like to apologize for the delay in responding to your letter dated July 28, 2017. As you know, I needed to get my BOE appeal filed, get my 2016 tax returns filed, get my suggestions in for the FTB Bill of Rights Hearing, get my requests to my assembly people for law changes, and my request to remove Mr. Cohen from the FTB Board all done by certain deadlines, so this letter had to wait.
I am only writing the first half of my response letter today. I’ll complete the second half soon. And once these letters are completed, my next FTB project will be to try to find the $XX,XXX of my money that the FTB seems to have misplaced. I am sure that will be a nightmare.
Before I get into the letter itself, I want to share with you that I have spent the last two days calling assorted government agencies to try to get a criminal investigation launched. What I have learned is that I could request a Special Grand Jury Inquisition of a county or city government agency, but Special Grand Jury Inquisitions (or any kind of equivalent) do not exist for State level agencies. It seems that there is only administrative oversight for the FTB, with no legal oversight at all.
Continue reading “Response to FTB July 2017 Letter Where I Point Out the Misrepresentation of the Law.”