We’ve Launched A Documentary Series!

I am excited to report that James Lovett and I have launched a new documentary series exposing the corruption at the Franchise Tax Board! We plan to release a series of short videos, each focusing on a specific topic.

Today we released Trailer #1: This is Christi’s Story, Trailer #2: FTB’s 8 Illegal Schemes to Overcharge Taxpayers, and a segment called “The Linchpin of FTB’s Withholding Schemes is the NPA.”

The Linchpin segment quickly but clearly explains how FTB falsifies a document called the Notice of Proposed Assessment in order to unlawfully impose penalties.

James and my long-term goal is to go after FTB with Federal Class-Action Criminal Complaints. If FTB has falsely imposed penalties on you using the withholding of payments scheme that I described in this video, please join the complaint! Email me at FTBFighter at protonmail dot com (I wrote it like this to avoid spam bots).